Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This and That

I was really in the mood to bake yesterday while Pat was golfing on his day off. This is what I ended up baking:

Berry Pie. I had leftover dough so I made this pie and just threw some dough on top, that's why it looks a little weird. It still tastes really good though!

Chocolate Cream Pie. It was the first time I've made this and it is amazing!! I would recommend trying a recipe out. It's very quick and easy (depending on which one you use). I got mine off the internet from

Bath time with his new toys

Some of Miles' favorite toys

This should be called the Miles Jumper, not the Johnny Jumper

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Catching Up is Easy to Do

Patrick, Miles, and I spent yesterday visiting 7 friends in Lynwood at Nikko and Brittany's apartment. We hadn't seen these friends for months and it's always fun to hang out with them because we can pick up where we left off. It's as if we haven't gone more than 3 months without spending time together. Catching up with everyone was so refreshing and a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon and evening.

Nikko and Brittany's apartment is so nice! Brittany is 9 months pregnant and her due date is today. I enjoyed talking to her about her pregnancy and seeing little Olivia's nursery. It was decked out in pink and stocked to the brim with the cutest clothes. I told Miles he gets a sister next :) Our friends Ryan and Sara have a 10 month old daughter and I had a blast swapping baby stories and finding that I'm not the only mom experiencing certain things with her baby. Mackenzie, their daughter, is super cute. She was walking around a little and would make the cutest faces. I can't wait until Miles gets to that stage! Mackenzie wears cloth diapers and Sara made changing her look like the easiest thing ever! I kind of want to try cloth diapers out now... but we'll see.

I've noticed that the whole baby thing and traveling is like testing water for me. I can't just jump in and hope everything works out okay. I have to plan ahead and do a little at a time; "test the waters' so to speak. It's little trips like we did yesterday that help me realize we can all handle it. It's good for me because I can find limits to my energy and Miles' cooperation. Sometimes it isn't easy, like when he cries almost the whole way up to Lynwood because he just wants to jump on my lap and not lay in his car seat, but it's a learning process for everyone. I keep reminding myself that other parents go through this too and I had to realize that if we want to do things we have to test the waters and find our limits, otherwise we'll miss out on a lot of family and friend get-togethers. Now that Miles is getting older and we're more comfortable being out and about with him we will definitely visit friends more often. Going 3 months without seeing certain people is too long!

Here are some pictures from yesterday.

Nikki and Miles

Nikko, Miles, and Patrick

Alyse, Nikki, and Miles

Mackenzie and Miles checking each other out.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

4 Months

My how time flies and little Miles grows! At his 4 month check up this morning he weighed 19 pounds and is 26 inches long. He sure is growing!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I Thought I Knew but I Had No Idea...

... that 3 to 4 months postpartum my hair would start to fall out. I knew I'd lose A LOT of hair, but seriously? I'm shedding so much that I have enough to make a wig for Miles' little bald head. Would he look good with long hair?

... that living frugally really meant living frugally. For example, now that I have quit work I don't have the luxury of buying my facial products at 40% off from my work. I have to re-learn how to live simply and teach my skin that it doesn't need the $68 moisturizer to look good. It's very, very nice moisturizer, but when I can't get it cheaper it's SO not worth it. I could buy a couple boxes of diapers and wipes for that!

... that when I read a book that I like I can get hooked for hours. I pretty much had my own study session yesterday. I am rereading Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn (an extremely good book) and writing down my favorite passages. Scott Hahn quotes a lot of the bible like it's his second language and I realized that I couldn't even come up with an idea of what some of those passages are about. So, out came my bible and away I went on my little scavenger hunt.

... that after the first, second, third, and fourth diaper/ clothes change, Miles can still manage to poop up to his shoulders on the fifth outfit. (Pat got the luxury of changing that one). Hmm, maybe it was the Italian sausage I had for dinner the night before. Good thing I figured that one out AFTER I had those leftovers for dinner again last night. Will today be round two?

... that I could be at my wits end, over the edge tired, and needing a break from the "poop day," that Miles just has to do his first laugh, one that's jolly and loud, to turn my whole day around. It sure makes up for all the crap he put me through, literally :.)