I love this idea of the Daybook. I got it from
Mike and Kristine's Blog and have adapted it a bit. I like how it's a snapshot of what's going on in our little world. So, here's my first daybook entry:
Outside my window... darkness. The boys are in bed and we're catching up on new episodes and relaxing after a great weekend.
I am thankful for... SO many things! I start every prayer with thanksgiving to God for everything he has blessed me with. I try to include the simple things like a warm home, vehicles, financial stability, healthy food, and healthy bodies, basically the things that make life easier. Then there are the big things that come up that I am thankful for like today.
All week I've had the calling to go to Mass at St. Martins Abbey
this Sunday. My main motive was to "run into" our dear priest-friend Fr. Qui-Thac, now Fr. Marian who is discerning becoming a Monk. Well, I've got to say that it couldn't have been more clear that answering that call with a "yes" was the best answer.
As we walked up to the Abbey the church bells started ringing. Not just the basic
gong, gong, gong, but chimes of different notes. As we walked under the bell tower the chimes echoed in my bones, bouncing around my body (they were crazy loud). Just beautiful. It's hard to describe how just how beautiful they were but looking back it felt as if it was God's way of greeting us and thanking us for being there. That sounds super cheesy but at the moment it really did sound and feel that beautiful.
And the next couple hours were right in line with those bells. Inside was peacefully quiet (and so were the boys!!!) The Abbey is simple and beautiful. Then we saw our good friends Tuan and Sara walk in. What a wonderful surprise! As mass started we watched the monks proceed in with Fr. Marian at the end in his Mass robes. That's right, he was celebrating mass today! And gave a wonderful homily that we could actually listen to because Miles and Grant were being super good.
After mass we, along with Tuan, Sara and Xavier, got to have lunch with Fr. Marian and Fr. Paul. Fr. Paul also celebrates mass over at St. Michaels, our home parish. I am so thankful for being able to go to mass and hear Fr. Marian's homily once again and then to have had lunch and sit and talk/chase the boys around. It was truly an joyous occasion. We're always praying for his discernment. We miss being able to pop in to Sacred Heart to say hi but know that he is doing God's will and we love supporting him in any way possible.
I am thinking about... getting on track with eating healthier and getting into an exercise routine. Not only do I miss that great feeling after a workout but summer is getting closer and I'm not about to buy new shorts because the old ones don't fit!
From the kitchen... full bellies. Tonight the boys ate their favorite meal, spaghetti. They always lick their plates when we have that for dinner.
We are learning... colors. Miles is getting into this a little so I'm running with it. Since this I've started wondering how other parents work with their color blind children?
I'm reading... The Essential Catechism, a guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. So far, I've learned a lot and it's already on my list to reread it.
I'm praying for... our confirmandi. We have an amazing small group and they're always in my prayers.
I'm looking forward to... our first trip together, without kids, since our honeymoon! Yeah, it's been that long since Patrick and I have been away together and I just can't wait!! Long story short, I won $300 from Star 101.5 to Ocean Crest Resort in Moclips, Wa. I don't even care that the weather might be crappy and the rooms are super dated, I am so happy to be able to spend three days and two nights with only Patrick and on our own schedule.
High... Grant sleeps completely through the night now. It's been wonderful for me too to sleep through the night for the first time in almost a year. He's walking everywhere and always happy. I love how much fun he and Miles have together. They'll just start laughing at each other for reasons that only brothers know.
Low... there are times when I wish we lived closer to family so the boys can visit their grandparents more often or Patrick and I can have an impromptu date night and know that grandma and grandpa can help with the boys. Some days are rough and having that support, other than the wonderful endless support from Patrick (best husband EVERRRR), would be a fantastic load off my shoulders. I'm am thankful that we live close enough to see them on weekends for special occasions or just for fun.

Extra time is spent... sewing, crocheting, and dinking around on pinterest to find more cute things to sew and crochet. Patrick got me a new sewing machine for Christmas so I've been searching for more and more sewing creations. Lately they've consisted of baby blankets for gifts but who knows, maybe I'll get to that circle skirt I pinned a year ago. I finally crocheted my first hat. Well, two actually, for Miles and Grant. I frogged each once about 10 times trying to get the right fit for their little heads but I finally got it right.
I'm loving... how much Miles talks now! He strings together quite a few words, enough to get across what he wants. My favorite thing is when he accidently runs into me or Grant and he'll say "sorry, momma" or "sorry, Grant." He has a hard time with R's and L's so you can imagine how some words sound pretty funny. for instance Grant is Gant and lap is yap. Super cute though. I'm also loving not nursing anymore! I've been pregnant or breast feeding for 3 years straight. I forgot how nice it is to not plan around hungry babies whether pregnant or BF'ing.
Around the house... I'm finally hanging pictures on our walls! I've only decorated the living room and kitchen and everything else has been rather bare. It feels much more like home with family pictures on the walls.
A picture to share... well, two.
Chocolate pudding