Monday, January 27, 2014

Snow Day


We loaded up the car on Saturday morning and headed east. After over 4 years of living in Olympia we finally made it out to Mt. Rainier. It was about a 1 1/2 hour drive complete with a total meltdown from Miles by the time we pulled into the parking lot. Maybe he was nauseous from the switchbacks? Who knows, but he was pineing for home for the last 10 minutes of the drive.

Grant soon caught onto the meltdown mode as we forced layers of snow clothes on his little body in "A Christmas Story" fashion and the whole mountain was serenaded by shrieks and screams. We coaxed them to get over it with bribes of sledding and brownies and hot chocolate and unicorns and rainbows. Thanks to the people in the parking lot the whole ordeal didn't go without a few funny remarks.

Anyhoo, we made it. Got up to the bunny hill with our saucer sleds and had the boys test out their first run. Success! They loved it! The long drive and crying were worth it. They weren't scared to go down the hill alone which I thought Grant might be. He wouldn't even hang on over the bumps.

We did that for a while and then decided to have lunch in the snow back at our car. I was surprised that Miles was even hungry because he ate half the snow on the mountain.

After lunch and hot cocoa we played in the snow and went back to the bunny hill again for more sledding. We left by 3:30 and had a quiet car ride home as the boys slept. They were tuckered out!

We'll definitely do this again! Aside from the meltdown we really enjoyed the drive. It reminded me of driving up to Mt. Baker. Basically the same scenery. It was clear up there with a high of 62 degrees too so the view of Mt. Rainier and the surrounding mountains was amazing.